sábado, 1 de setembro de 2012

Trabalho de Inglês

Alunos : Augusto Nascimento, Alexandre Magno, Harlan Henrique, Lucas Paiva, Napoleão Nicolas
Professora : Angêla                                                                    Série: 7º Ano

Receita Pudim de Leite(Milk pudding recipe)


3 ovos 1 lata de leite condensado 1 lata de leite
Bata tudo no liquidificador e asse em banho-maria. E coloque na geladeira por 2 horas


Milk pudding recipe
3 eggs 1 can of condensed milk 1 can of milk

Blend it all in a blender and cook in a bain-marie. And put it in the refrigerator for 2 hours.Notas sobre a traduçãoNOTES:

1) "1 can of milk" means after you pour out the condensed milk you use the empty can to measure how much regular milk you put in.

2) a "bain-marie" is a cooking technique where you put one saucepan or a pyrex bowl inside another saucepan - the bottom one has water in it, and they go on the stove. You can find pictures of it at google images (or on the bottom of the page below).

E ele está Pronto

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